We Appreciate Your Gift!

To give a donation online, please click the button below.
Choose Christ Church (Niagara Falls), then click Support Our Mission.
Thank you!

Christ Churrch Line Drawings-1.jpg

Donations are greatly appreciated.

Thank you for supporting Christ Church!

Donations support Worship ministry by paying the salaries of the clergy and organist who are visibly involved, and the salaries of the administrative assistant who makes the bulletin and the custodian who keeps our church clean and beautiful. Besides these salaried persons, services also rely on the participation of volunteer choir members, readers, servers, chalice bearers, intercessors, lay readers, sides people, greeters, Altar Guild members who prepare the altar, and on the reverent participation of each congregant. Many staff and volunteer hours go into planning for worship services. Equally important, the church building which shelters and inspires our worship also relies on those highly-skilled, hard-working individuals who keep it maintained and on the donations that pay for bread and wine, heating and air conditioning, roof repairs and carpeting. These donations allow us to worship God in all times and seasons of our lives.

Pre-Authorized Giving
For many years, the diocese of Niagara has offered this form of making donations to its parishes. It is as simple as completing a single-page form, providing a blank cheque, and allowing four to six weeks for processing before the withdrawals begin. Fewer than Twenty contributors at Christ Church use this system, which was originally created to increase efficiency and ease of contribution. Credit cards may also be used by going to the Diocesan website (www.niagaraanglican.ca), clicking on "Support Our Mission" which will allow you to contribute to Christ Church Niagara Falls. This is a secure link within the website, so no one sees your credit card information. Your Corporations seeks your help in this regard, and is asking for you prayerful consideration of this means of donation before the end of October. The envelope secretary and/or treasurer will be happy to answer your questions.

Gift Planning

Gift Planning means finding a way to make an important gift to a cause you believe in while still getting the best tax benefits possible and achieving personal financial goals.

A planned gift to The Anglican Church of Canada can be made outright to the Church for its immediate use, or deferred – arranged now for completion later. Some planned gifts are designed both to support the work of God through the Church and to provide a life income for the donor. Each type of planned gift offers benefits to the donor, and supports the mission of the Church, whether it be a parish, diocese, General Synod, or another Anglican Church of Canada entity or ministry.


If you would like to give a donation on line, please go the following website and in the scroll down menu for my parish, choose Christ Church (Niagara Falls) https://niagaraanglican.ca/donate  then click on "Support Our Mission". If clicking on the link does not work, please cut and paste into your Browser Window.